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ISEE Tutors in the Bridgeport Area
Kelly C. - Expert ISEE/SSAT tutor...
New York, NY (10026)
$175 / hour - My name is Kelly, and I have been an...
Jennifer C. - Experienced Educator...
Brooklyn, NY (11205)
$195 / hour - I bring an effective teaching...
Devin L. - Top Ivy League Test...
New York, NY (10002)
$100 / hour - Hello! Thank you for considering me...
Helen C. - Certified Elementary...
Hastings On Hudson, NY (10706)
$70 / hour - I am a New York State Certified...
Krys E. - Dedicated Experienced...
New York, NY (10001)
$55 / hour - Krys is a native New Yorker and a...
Tomas G. - Cornell-Educated...
Brooklyn, NY (11217)
$105 / hour - Having spent the last five years as a...
Norma I. - English Tutor: Rdg,...
New York, NY (10128)
$180 / hour - I have a doctorate of education from...
Meredith W. - Meredith W. ...
Fairfield, CT (06825)
$90 / hour - I am a certified teacher in grades...
Shannon H. - Private School Prep...
New York, NY (10009)
$50 / hour - I discovered my talent for teaching...
Michelle B. - Young, Innovative...
Denville, NJ (07834)
$60 / hour - Hello!
My name is Michelle, and I...
The Scribe ISEE Tutors
The Scribe and Bridgeport area tutors are available to assist The Scribe students and students around Bridgeport with tutoring in Accounting, ACT English, ACT Math and other high school, middle school, and college classes. Check out the Bridgeport area tutors listed above, to find the tutor in Bridgeport, that is right for your tutoring needs.