The Scribe Columns
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Blueprint to Happiness
The definition of happiness is: a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from...
My Life as a Rainbow: The Lesbian Dictionary
In the lesbian world, there are different kinds of rainbow girls. Some people get confused as to what kind of a lesbian a girl is. You...
National Nutrition Month
March is known for celebrating and spreading awareness for many things like Women's History Month, Poetry Month, Irish-American Month,...
Refresh Yourself
Water is essential for all living things, big and small. People drink water when they are thirsty or hot, and need to be refreshed....
Organization of the Week
Established- 1924 About- The association was founded by six cardiologists who were concerned about the lack of heart disease...
My Life as a Rainbow: Homophobia
It's not easy being a rainbow. I believe gays and lesbians are born the way they are and they have the right to love whoever they want...
A Healthy Start
Even though it's February, it's never too late to start over and make a resolution to be healthier. Many people deal with random body...
Swearing an Oath, Taking the Challenge
14 weeks of hell. That is what it took for me to capture a dream. It is what I volunteered to endure for the defense of our country; to...
Ways You Can End an Unwanted Conversation
Nothing screams out boredom more than being stuck in an unwanted conversation. The long awkward talks about some of the most weird,...
She Said: Do You Have A Crush?
As the semester comes to a close, I am compiling my Christmas gift list (and checking it twice!) and thinking about the beginning of a...
He Said: Do You Have A Crush?
Have you ever been in a situation where you have a "crush" on someone, but don't know how to approach him or her? Don't get me wrong, we...
Spiritual Teachings for Everyday Life
Optimism The best way to fight hurt, trials and tribulations and sadness is to accept optimism by embracing it. Quotes...
- The Scribe Online Podcast - Police Militarization, School Shootings, and...
- T.I. Releases His Ninth Studio Album
- Houdini’s best trick is... disappointing its audience
- Dynasty Warriors: Gundam Reborn Improves The Series!
- Mary Lambert Wears Her Heart On Her Sleeve
- Swingin' With The S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Dynasty Warriors Presents: The Legend of Zelda